#titan oberon
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lemurlord · 3 months ago
Don't know if anyone has made this connection yet, but it seems like Titans Eve and Oberon are the direct expansion/continuation of Tohu & Bohu.
Eve is the most apparent, as the ridiculously tall Shaker that creates spikes and traps, warping the cityscape around her.
Oberon is less overt (but let's face it, his Endbringer counterpart is kinda lame), but still. He is a smaller, more mobile fighter that combines multiple powersets of previous parahumans.
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months ago
I think it's really interesting how animalistic Fortuna, Oberon, and Nemean are, design wise.
Titan Fortuna has the Cerberus/3-headed wolf aesthetic
Titan Oberon is like a mix of deer, moose, and gorilla
Titan Nemean is described like a mix of lion and ape as well
Now, obviously, Oberon has the excuse of Prancer and Moose costumes being deer and moose themed, and the shard copying that.
But what's interesting for Fortuna is that she only took on the wolf theme, because in her culture, wolves are the creatures of the night to be feared and respected.
So where does that leave Nemean? Victor never has lion imagery to my recollection, especially not in costume...
But there is a part of the story that may give a clue. At several points, the story has the interlude or Victoria pov flashback to a young Victor, and mentions how he's taken on skills to hide his fear or how Victoria saw him as a terrified teenager.
So my hypothesis is that the reason Victor turned into the Nemean Titan, is because he internalized himself the "cowardly lion", who hides behind a bunch of bluster and bluffs.
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strawbl0ssom · 4 months ago
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siyapara · 2 months ago
ObeTan (Oberon x Titan)
what opinion this ship???
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Yeah trans masc Oberon x trans fem Titan 🏳️‍⚧️
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bronzemettle · 2 months ago
What's the deal with the Zatara family's magic?
S'ti yllaretil tsuj cigam! Tup ruoy Caasi Vomisa setouq yawa, on yltneiciffus decnavda ygolonhcet ot eb dnuof ereh, tsuj doog dlo deniohsaf gnitsaclleps. Yretsam fo eht citsym stra! T'nia attog nialpxe tihs ot enoyna. A draziw did ti, srekcufrehtom.
hguoc coughcough
Sorry, something in my throat there. More precisely, Merlin. It's Merlinian magic.
Taking a rarely-adapted aspect from older Arthurian tales, Merlin lived his whole life backwards. He aged backwards. He even experienced everything backwards. He wasn't actually traditionally precognitive. He just remembered things that had already happened to him, which happens to be everything yet-to-come from the point of view of the rest of the world, but this also means he never held any memory of the "past", he would never be able to tell you what the conversation you just had with him was about, because to him, that's the future. He's about to have that conversation. Everything was backwards.
So, of course, when he learned to speak as a child, he learned to speak backwards. Not from our perspective. He sounds like he's speaking normally to everyone else. But, everything happens in reverse to him, so to sound like that, he is forming the sounds in reverse. This isn't difficult to him, because just like the words he says are reversed for us to sound correct, everyone else's words that he was hearing when he was learning language were reversed to sound backwards! It's how he learned it in the first place. That's just what the language has always been for him.
So if he's speaking the way he hears everyone else speak... and if everyone else is hearing him speak the same way they speak, then why does it matter that he's actually saying things in reverse, within his own personal flow of time?
Well... because he was an absolutely brilliant sorceror who invented a lot of spells and entire schools and fields of magic. And in order to cast Merlinian spells... you need to say the words the way he did.
So that brings us to the story of Arataz, Merlin's last student, and first teacher.
Arataz was the man who found and raised the child (and later, infant) Merlin in the final years of Merlin's life before his birth.
From Merlin's perspective he got a surprisingly normal upbringing of mother Zatara (because he heard the name backwards) teaching him to speak and write and walk and all those things, and then once his magic began manifesting in his teen years, he naturally taught some of it to Zatara too, until his quest finally took him elsewhere and he left.
From Arataz' perspective he met the legendary Merlin whose power was waning and learned magic from him (including how to transform his own body, becoming more genderfuid over time) shortly before Merlin lost it altogether, and then spent the next decade caring for the baby Merlin (while Merlin was learning to speak from her from Merlin's point of view).
As Merlin got younger and younger, Arataz started needing to fight off cultist assassins who wanted to prevent the infant from being born in the days to come.
But the baby was indeed "born", to an unmarried elf woman who Arataz stoppd to help on the road. However, a few weeks into her pregnancy, Arataz discovers this elf is actually a form that Loki had taken in order to steal the baby Merlin for his own ends, not knowing that she would turn out to be Merlin's mother and become stuck in this form for 10 months. Arataz continues to protect Loki from the cultists who still think they can prevent the conception, but it comes to light that one of the cultists in particular has been working against the rest in secret to help them stay alive.
Near the end of Loki's pregnancy, they happen across the Fae king Oberon (himself the son of Morgan le Fey, Merlin's "future" rival who reformed and moved to Avalon centuries ago). Unknown to either of them, Oberon is currently being posessed and controlled by Dormammu, the timeless demon of the Dark Dimension.
Knowing that she's nearing the "end" of her reverse pregnancy, Loki has been quick to bed basically everyone they meet in travels in hopes of finally ridding herself of this pesky time-inverted fetus and being able to change shape again, and "Oberon" is no exception to this pattern.
In secret, the traitor cultist (actually a banished Atlantean whose lineage includes the eldritch blood of Icthultu) who'd been protecting them has prepared a ritual grounds for the union, and magically introduces herself and an extradimensional fourth (or sixth?) parent to the conception. Dahak, The Dark One. Arataz discovered this scheme and attempted to stop it, but failed. However, the cultist's planned alteration of the timeline with Merlin as a new Deliverer never came.
Everything had happened as it always would. Merlin had always been the child of Dahak, the Atlantean cultist (and by extension, Icthultu), Dormammu, Oberon, Loki (by himself a multi-paragraph lineage but that has to be its own post), and the elf woman Loki had taken the form of. All the evil schemes were already foiled years ago by the excellent parenting Arataz had given Merlin to overcome any darker impulse of his genetic origins.
In the aftermath of the conception and the conflict surrounding it, with Merlin now... gone, Arataz just... left, leaving the gaggle of once-and-future parents to bicker amongst themselves. The schemes, the stakes, the reason for all of them being there was gone. But Arataz just missed his child.
She continued travelling, helping people wherever she found them, for many years before finally settling down in Italy to start another family. When Arataz became pregnant, his husband demanded that the baby take the mother's name. But Arataz asked that the baby be named according to how her first child, Merlin, would have heard his name.
Zacharias Zatara was born, and the Zatara family line officially began.
As the generations of Zataras passed, each child being taught Merlinian magic from a very early age, their full lifetimes from birth to death saturated with it... pecular things started to happen.
Every Zatara is just a little unfastened from the normal passage of time, in some way or another.
"The Picture of Dorian Grey" was inspired by a Zatara family member who was frozen unaging, but unable to mature or learn as a person either, for decades.
Another family member could rewind time to try things over again, but once she caught up to the present, would disappear and skip over just as much time as she'd spent looping.
Another family member spent every other day as an old man, alternating between youth and old age, only aging further on the young days, until they caught up with the old days and he died.
Luigi Zatara would involuntarily slip into trances, astral projecting centuries into the past or future, or even alternate timelines.
His son, John Zatara, could temporarily send other people or objects into reverse time for a few seconds or minutes.
His son, Giovanni Zatara, will sometimes, every few weeks, receive long-term memories in the wrong order. He'll wake up, not remembering yesterday at all, but remembering just as clearly some day 6 years from now instead. Then 6 years later he catches up with getting that first day back and finally remembers it as if it just happened.
Giovanni's first son, Zachery, mysteriously vanished on his 13th birthday, only to reappear again 26 years later to the day. Zachery's 26th birthday won't come for a while, but the family assumption is that he will disappear again in a cycle, 13 years on, 26 gone, and likely outlive all his current relatives.
Which of course brings us to Zatanna Zatara, for whom all her experienced memories are in the right order, but, her age, including maturity, is all scrambled up. One day she'll be with the Titans in her teens or early 20s, the next day she'll be with the Justice League Dark in her mid-to-late 40s. Some days she's just spending at home and doesn't need to move a lot or fight, maybe she's in her 90s, then back again when the Titans call.
It's not just changing her body. It's shuffling the chronology of her life and development as a person. All her textual memories remain "in order" according to the outside world, but, she also aged faster because she would one day spend the majority of her teens and young adulthood with the Titans. When Giovanni was raising her, she nearly skipped from 14 to 26 in just about seven months. Neither of them knew it yet, but there was a more important time in her life for all those youthful seconds to go, when she would be able to spend them with friends and peers.
Aside from some mildly awkward moments of hanging out with Batman and involuntarily de-aging 15 years a few seconds before his sons walk in, she's happy with how the family magic manifested for her. It often (but not always) tends to match her with the general age range of the people she's with who are, or will be, most important to her. So it works out. Even if the Teen Titans and Justice League are in the same room at the same time... Who'd she walk in with? Who's she gonna leave with? Who's she gonna spend the most time talking to? Who does she need to be close to, or to take her seriously? She might not know, but her magic does.
Magic does not always come with a price. That's a myth written into fairy tales to shame people into relying on the church for their miracles. Magic is rarely exactly what it seems, and can rarely be totally controlled, but it's not malicious. It's not even uncaring. And if you trust the mystic tides, they may just carry you through time itself to find friends, lovers, parents...
Trusting the mystic tides of time to connect you with the people you need, that's what Merlinian magic, the magic of the Zatara family, is.
Ho, dna I sseug s'ereht a tol fo gniklat sdrawkcab oot. ...Ni thgisdnih s'taht ylbaborp tahw eht niotseuq saw yllanigiro tuoba, thgir? Parc, siht tsop ev'dluoc neeb a tol retrohs. Ho llew. Evah a doog Gnivigsknaht enoyreve (ro revetahw tnelaviuqe lanosaes yadiloh ruoy noiger setarbelec)!
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cyanogen-miasma · 1 month ago
I was working on the Galilean moons and Ganymede straight up just looks like a taxpaying adult
Jupiter: "hi hello yes this is my man-child"
I generally see larger moons as being older, considering Ganymede is not much smaller than Mars I feel fine giving him the maturity of a planet, however size isn't really everything, whether something orbits the sun or not is usually a much better indicator - e.g. Pluto is 'older' than Lune even though he is smaller because Pluto orbits the Sun and the Moon orbits Earth.
Of course, the history of the astronomical body plays a part as well - for example Triton is likely to have originated as a dwarf planet who got captured by Neptune's gravity than a moon that was formed under Neptune's gravity, so he acts more like a planet than a moon, and has a more brotherly relationship to Neptune.
Really, any moon that could have been considered a dwarf planet (I don't know if we can predict whether they'd have been able to clear their orbit if they orbited the sun, but I'd imagine if they were Mercury's size or larger it would be a given) if it orbited the Sun instead of its parent planet has a more 'adult' personality. Honestly, the Moon could count in this, the only reason why Lune is more youthful is because I like the parent-child dynamic with her and Tellus. Basically, it's not a hard and fast rule.
I was going to say 'back to Charon', but I then realised that I had not mentioned Charon - so we're talking about Charon. Definitely an adult, following the example of Ganymede but scaled down to dwarf planet size. Charon is bigger than Quaoar, which would make it the seventh largest dwarf planet if it were considered a dwarf planet instead of a moon. The whole orbit thing it has with Pluto is enough for me to put the characters on the same level of maturity as each other.
Interestingly, if Triton still orbited the Sun, it would be the largest dwarf planet. I think Pluto thinks about that.
Moons that are adults: Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Titan, Titania, Oberon, Triton, Charon
Moons that are teenagers: Lune, Europa, Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, Tethys, Umbriel, Ariel, Dysnomia, Vanth
(Key: Tellus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, other dwarf planets)
it's a good thing nobody else has moons that qualify because I ran out of colours
don't ask me what the cutoff point is that makes Io an adult and Europa a teenager, I think it's because Europa is smaller than the Moon but I'm not so sure, it isn't an amazing justification
with Saturn's moons you have to be a bit strict considering just how many there are, so only Titan gets to be an adult
for Uranus' moons, Titania and Oberon are almost the same size so I'd imagine they'd have an especially twin-like relationship, like Uranus himself has with Neptune. They are quite a bit larger than Umbriel and Ariel, who are also a twin pair. That is kind of weird for Uranus, that the four largest moons come as two pairs of almost equal size...the Uranian system is all kinds of wacky I love it
none of Neptune's other moons are in any way qualified to have any kind of maturity, they are like specks compared to Triton
and all of the other Transneptunian moons are kids. Actually, in terms of their relative sizes (everything out there is in miniature), Dysnomia (moon of Eris) and Vanth (moon of Orcus) could be teenagers! I don't mind that! I am retroactively adding these to the teenager list! But that's it! The rest are all kids!
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pupsmailbox · 7 months ago
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NAMES ⌇ aelin. aeline. aibek. aku. alcmene. alta. amal. amalthea. amaris. amaya. apollo. arche. archer. ariel. arielune. arion. artemis. aruna. atla. atlas. ay. aydan. ayla. baku. bianca. cal. cali. calli. callisto. celestia. celina. celine. chandra. charon. chroma. crescent. damaris. dark. deimos. diarene. dione. dipper. dream. dusk. elaine. elara. erion. esme. esmere. europa. ganymede. hala. halo. hara. helen. helena. helene. hyperion. hypnos. io. jaci. jericho. june. kamari. khonshu. koko. koray. layla. luan. luna. lunar. lunatalia. lunavenly. lune. luno. mere. mia. midnight. miranda. mirande. mirando. miyako. monday. moon. moony. moonyx. morpheus. mya. myia. neoma. nocturne. nox. oberon. orion. phobos. phoebe. portia. puck. raka. rhea. runa. rune. runo. salina. saline. sandra. selena. selene. selephina. somnia. somnus. thea. titan. titana. titane. titania. titanio. titano. twilight. umbriel. vesper. volana.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ cloud/cloud. cloudy/cloudy. cosmi/cosmic. crater/crater. cre/crescent. crescent/crescent. dark/dark. day/dream/daydream. daydream/daydream. dream/dream. dusk/dusk. ecli/eclipse. evening/evening. galaxy/galaxy. lua/luna. luna/luna. luna/lunar. lunar/lunar. midnight/midnight. moon/moon. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. nox/nox. orb/orb. orbi/orbit. orbit/orbit. phase/phase. satellite/satellite. sha/shadow. shadow/shadow. sleep/sleep. sleepy/sleepy. star/star. umbra/umbra. 🌃 . 🌌 . 🌑 . 🌒 . 🌓 . 🌔 . 🌕 . 🌖 . 🌗 . 🌘 . 🌙 . 🌚 . 🌛 . 🌜 . 🌠 .
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ectonika · 10 months ago
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Some art and sketches on my au!
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stone-stars · 4 months ago
songs in c3e68: dearly departed (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Langston - 7:34
Unknown Tome - 9:51
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 11:38
The Red Fen - 12:53
Montgomery Manor - 14:28
Shadowfell - 16:07
Two for Tea - 18:53
Shock at the Dock - 21:36
royalty free metal song - 22:03
Mothership Lobby - 37:22 and 40:23
Frankie Vantasmo - 43:16
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 45:09 and 46:43
Soul Coins/Deal with a Devil - 48:02
In the Dark of Dusk - 49:59
Melora's Boon - 54:10
The Feywild - 57:47
The Titan of Air - 1:00:52 and 1:04:13
Sea Beast - 1:06:45
When You Wish Upon a Stone - 1:12:12
The Multiverse - 1:14:21
The Feywild - 1:15:25
The Red Fen - 1:16:46
Into the Planar Pool - 1:22:05
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 1:24:07
A Fairy Remembers - 1:27:33
Kingshammer - 1:28:50
A Fairy Remembers - 1:31:49
Kingshammer - 1:34:24
Bahumia Theme - 1:36:44
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Langston - 7:34 - Sinking into the water / Initiative / Waking up
Unknown Tome - 9:51 - Calder realizes they're tied to tables
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 11:38 - Callie tries to cast a spell
The Red Fen - 12:53 - Callie starts screaming / Duck Team chaos
Montgomery Manor - 14:28 - Aristocrat vampires show up
Shadowfell - 16:07 - Baron Stunch introduces himself
Two for Tea - 18:53 - Baron Stunch asks how to celebrate them / Suggests eating them for weeks
Shock at the Dock - 21:36 - Baron suggests a "compromise" (goes to eat Sol)
royalty free metal song - 22:03 - Duck Team are rescued w/ a fireball from Albin
Mothership Lobby - 37:22 - Albin leads them into Ma Goblin's ship
Mothership Lobby - 40:23 - Talking to Ma about the magic cuffs and the Shadowfell
Frankie Vantasmo - 43:16 - Articles about Jovyre, Cyrilla, and Cyra in the time Duck Team were out
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 45:09 - News of Cyra and of Jovyre's PR spin
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 46:43 - Jovyre's spin on Duck Team
Soul Coins/Deal with a Devil - 48:02 - Independent news about Jovyre (opposition to her stories)
In the Dark of Dusk - 49:59 - Dissenting voices against Jovyre
Melora's Boon - 54:10 - Callie worrying about Cyra / Talking about how to help her
The Feywild - 57:47 - Flying over Shadowfell and entering the rift / Garrosh's castle
The Titan of Air - 1:00:52 - Entering Garrosh's castle
The Titan of Air - 1:04:13 - Getting down to strategizing with Garrosh / Laying out Jovyre's current position and armies
Sea Beast - 1:06:45 - Garrosh lays out their allies
When You Wish Upon a Stone - 1:12:12 - Garrosh says they'll need help from the serpents
The Multiverse - 1:14:21 - Sol meditates to bring them to the beastlands
The Feywild - 1:15:25 - Sunflower pops up to bring them to the beastlands
The Red Fen - 1:16:46 - Duck Team, Albin, and the Sunflower squabbling
Into the Planar Pool - 1:22:05 - Oberon tells Callie to plead her case to the Serpent Queen
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 1:24:07 - Callie appeals to the Serpent Queen
A Fairy Remembers - 1:27:33 - Callie asks if she can ask Licorice + Honeysuckle to help
Kingshammer - 1:28:50 - Duck Team agree to have their souls bound to the serpents
A Fairy Remembers - 1:31:49 - Sol binds to Licorice
Kingshammer - 1:34:24 - Calder binds to Honeysuckle
Bahumia Theme - 1:36:44 - Callie binds to Marigold
Notes: "Melora's Boon" is credited as "The Fabric of Fate" / "When You Wish Upon a Stone" is credited as "Alanis" "The Feywild" is called "Fantastic & Fuddling" in c1 but the name for that particular song has changed so much i'm using "The Feywild" here.
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one-little-nerd-stayed-home · 6 months ago
Ok I said this was coming weeks ago so here it is: FURTHER THOUGHTS ON WEIGHT AND NADDPOD
Weight: A common point of comparison in Animal Agriculture. There are number of important types of weight when dealing with livestock:
1 - Live Weight - The actual weight of a live animal. This weight may feel lighter than it is because live animals instinctively balance themselves when lifted.
1.a) Calder - Its strange being the biggest. But Calder knows what that means. He has to look after Callie and Sol because they’re smaller than him. He has to carry them even when they flail and attack things behind him and twist in his arms. He can’t drop them when they cuff his ears accidentally because you have to be gentle when things are smaller than you. But he can’t get to them every time. He can’t save them every time and he’s always been the littlest but he isn't anymore. He needs to save them. So he takes the helm. He makes the deal because it saves Callie and Sol and they’re alive and if he has to wait on the frozen plain for them to come for him well it’s easier to wait knowing they're still alive.
1.b) Live weight is easier to carry because it is Alive
2 - Adjusted Weight - The calculated weight of an animal at a particular age. Commonly used for comparison between slightly older or younger animals of the same herd.
2.a) Sol - 'If I’m dead weight just drop me.' Sol is always a little surprised when he comes back staring into Calder or Callie’s face He’s surprised when Swag says looking at him isn't like a broken mirror at all. Calder and Callie talk about siblings and families and how you have to stick together. They grew up bickering and fighting for their places but Sol grew up alone. He stares into his own eyes and sees a glimpse of a life slightly to the left of the one he's lived. Defined by absence the same way his was. It doesn't feel... good. But it is good right? To have a blood relation - a family… that's what family is isn’t it? It’s hard to account for something he’s never had before. 2.b) Adjusted weight is used for comparison but as a calculation it may not reflect the real world
3 - Rail Weight - The weight of a carcass once it’s been prepared for butchering. Usually about 60% of the live weight.
3.a) Callie - It feels… different, nice maybe, to watch Glen fumble and scramble and beg and to feel nothing but a mild disinterest. He’s a hollow man and anything left in her heart for him pales in comparison to the cold fury at the fact that they lost Calder to his stupid scheme. Calder saved them and Callie… doesn’t like being saved it turns out. So she reaches for her mother's cool logic. Oberon speaks to her and Callie feels the anticipation of the hunt in her veins but she remembers the gutted eladrin hung from the branches of the enormous tree. 3.b) a gutted, prepared animal, though lighter is still a load to carry.
4 - Dead Weight - The weight of a dead animal. this weight can feel heavier than live weight as there is no instinctive balance when lifting a dead animal.
4.a) Hardwon -No matter how much he’s done or how far he’s gone Hardwon has always been the human kid in a dwarphenage who never fit anywhere quite right. He fits with Moonshine and Beverly, as long as he can pull his own weight and take the hits then they can be Beverly and Moonshine and he can be a titan too, at least for a while. Except that when he can’t take the hits. When he isn’t fast enough, strong enough, hero enough... then people get hurt. And Hardwon has never been good at keeping the people he loved alive. 4.b) Dead Weight is harder to carry because it is dead.
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saturniasxenos · 4 months ago
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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bacony-cakes · 4 months ago
The Sun - To Have More Fun
Mercury - To Buy Bags of Frozen Peas
Venus - To Suck Penis
Earth - To Give Birth
The Moon - To Build a Tomb
Mars - To Drive Fast Cars
Phobos - To get Attacked by Robots
Deimos - To Look at a Seahorse
Ceres - To experience that which is Eerie
Jupiter - To get more Stupider
Ganymede - To Smoke Weed
Callisto - To Shoot Pistols
Europa - To get Diagnosed with Deuteranopia
Io - To Manufacture Diodes
Amalthea - To Enjoy a Cold Beer
Saturn - To Smash Urns
Titan - To Buy Fans
Rhea - To Lay Her
Enceladus - To Eat Enchiladas
Tethys - To Get Pissed
Mimas - To Kick Ass
Iapetus - To Model a Fetus
Dione - To play as Dry Bones
Uranus - To Wear Trainers
Miranda - To Pet Salamanders
Umbriel - To emit a Nasty Smell
Ariel - To Burn in Hell
Titania - To Sink Lusitania
Oberon - To Appease the Don
Neptune - To Make Tunes
Triton - To Eat Ox Tongue
Pluto - To Chew Toes
Charon - To Carry On
Orcus - To Stalk Us
Haumea - To Get Gayer
Makemake - To Grow Canebrake
Quaoar - To Watch Star Wars
Eris - To Visit George Washington Gale Ferris
Gonggong - To Fish in Ponds
Sedna - To Dread More (of these ridiculous rhymes)
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dummydove · 9 months ago
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jupiter and saturn, oberon, miranda, and titania
neptune, titan, stars can frighten
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siyapara · 2 months ago
I'm going to be somewhat inactive, I'm in the 4th semester and I have to concentrate, I already had this drawing before but I forgot to sign it, bye bye😅😅😅
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months ago
Spider-Man (MCU) vs Team Prancer (Worm/Ward)
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Setup: Team Prancer has arrived in NYC and robbing a Manhattan Bank. Before they can open the vault, a snarky teenage voice gets their attention as Spider-Man appears at the building entrance.
The two sides have a verbal spar before they decide it's time to run, fight, and get in the other's way.
Prep-time: Both sides have a 60 second verbal spar before they go to blows, where they can discuss things amongst themselves or between each other
Win Conditions: Team Prancer needs to escape the scene (and thus Spider-Man's detection) for 60 seconds, or knock him out, or incapacitate him. Spider-Man must capture, knock out, or incapacitate the trio.
Equipment: Spider-Man has his typical suit from Tony Stark. Prancer has his automatic pistol (with 3 magazines) and Velvet has her truck.
Motivations: Everyone is In-Character here.
Knowledge: Both sides are aware the others have powers, but no specifics beyond what they can find out in the prep-time state.
Bonus Round: Can the Spider-Society successfully hold back Titan Oberon from destroying the city for 30 minutes?
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transacewithapan · 5 months ago
After a billion years in the making... (the sequel)
The continuation of the last post :D
This time, we have...
You may be wondering... where are Neptune's moons? Well, you'll have to find out-
NEXT TIME!!! on Dragonball Z
Part 1 - Earth
Part 2 - Luna, Neptune, Saturn
Part 3 - Main Planets + Planet Nine
Part 4 - Galilean Moons, Titan, Triton
Part 5 - Dwarf Planets
Part 6 - AstroDude + A Bunch of Moons
Part 7 - You're already here :)
Part 8 - Moons of Neptune
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